Mezclador de pintura de tejón
Mezclador de pintura de tejón
Mezclador de pintura de tejón
Mezclador de pintura de tejón
Mezclador de pintura de tejón
Mezclador de pintura de tejón Mezclador de pintura de tejón
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Mezclador de pintura de tejón

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15,33 €
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Mezclador de pintura de tejón
  • Pagos seguros: pague de forma segura con PayPal o con su tarjeta de crédito Pagos seguros: pague de forma segura con PayPal o con su tarjeta de crédito
  • Entrega gratis: en Italia para pedidos superiores a € 90.00 y en el extranjero para pedidos superiores a € 400.00 Entrega gratis: en Italia para pedidos superiores a € 90.00 y en el extranjero para pedidos superiores a € 400.00
  • Recoger en la tienda: ordene y recoja directamente en la tienda en Via Piacenza n.3 en Turín Recoger en la tienda: ordene y recoja directamente en la tienda en Via Piacenza n.3 en Turín

Quieres hacer un regalo?

Seleccione la opción de regalo al realizar su pedido y reciba su pedido envuelto para regalo y listo para su regalo.


Introducido el cabezal de Paint Mixer en el frasco del color y presionar el pulsador. En un instante la pintura se mezclará perfectamente.
Funciona con pilas.

No hay información disponible por el momento.

Badger Air-Brush Co. has embraced the philosophies of high quality, good value, and superior service since our inception over forty-five years ago. From the people we employ to the products we manufacture, Badger’s dedication to excellence and quality is unmatched.

Every Badger product, at every stage of production, is created with pride and dedication. Each Badger airbrush component is machined to exacting standards, assembled carefully by hand and then tested in use to assure that it not only meets our high standards, but exceeds your expectations. Our research and development teams consistently experiment with new product ideas and designs in order to meet the changing needs and interests of airbrushers of all levels for every purpose.

Furthermore, our commitment to quality and innovation extends beyond the sale of an airbrush. As we have grown, we have established an extensive customer service/dealer network which can promptly provide supplies and replacement parts. In addition, Badger has developed a network of airbrush consultants that continually provide us with feedback from the end user’s perspective. This consultant network also enables Badger to excel as an education and trouble shooting resource for airbrushers of all skill levels. The conscientious manner in which we stand behind our product and the high level of support we offer BADGER airbrush users (and air brushers in general) are part of what distinguishes BADGER from other airbrush manufacturers.

Badger remains confident in our people, products and philosophy. However, Badger Air-Brush Co. is not content to rest on the past achievements that have made us the leading manufacturer of air brushes in the world. You can count on Badger to continue to push the envelope, through innovative new products, advanced airbrush technology and design, more accessible airbrush education, superior service. . . and a relentless desire to meet your air brushing needs . . . to become and remain your airbrush of choice.


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